December 13, 2009

Advocacy Project: Fluoride Around You

Through this activity, I hope to show why healthy fluoride should be encouraged in our water systems and to prove the need for fluoride in our daily lives.

This is a two-part activity.

Part 1: Please read the following:
-Learn about the top ten facts of having fluoride. See why fluoride is a positive additive and why it should be implemented into our lives.

-Check out these fluoride sources. Click on some of the sources to see how much fluoride is in each product listed. Evaluate all of the items on the page to your own life and how many of these items you consume yourself. Think about how healthy your food and beverage choices are especially after you look into the fluoride levels in the items.

-CDC offers a great site to see what is happening fluoride-wise in your own community. This will allow you to see how fluoride affects your own family & community (a localized idea)

  • Click on your state, then county, then your town 
  • See what fluoride is being used around you and how you're getting your fluoride.
  • Look at towns around you to see what you could also be consuming from their fluoride systems.
Part 2: Your assignment (two parts): 
  • Look into your own life/home and take a photograph of an item(s) that have fluoride in it. Choose something unique and that is a daily necessity for you.
  • Please write a short description of this item and why it’s a necessity for you. Include what your life would be like without this item and how you would feel if you found out a deadly chemical was in it (EX: my issue overview was of perfluorbutane sulfonyl fluoride WHICH is a product of a synthetic organic chemical that is used to manufacture protective coatings for apparel and home furnishings, and to manufacture specialty surfactants).

Even if you don’t spend the time checking the labels for fluoride or worry about what you’re consuming or using on a daily basis I hope this activity helps bring the issue down to a personal level. Fluoride is after all around us in our daily lives and without a regulation on what chemicals are added to it, we may all be in grave danger.  We all have a responsibility to keep ourselves, family members, and our communities safe. Please pay attention to local and national updates on fluoride- as we’ve learned through this advocacy project, some of our leaders don’t always know all of the facts on what our issues are about. Please advocate for safer and healthier fluoride additives. Remember after all this fluoride is not only in the water you drink but in almost all of your daily activities. Bathing, eating, drinking, and cleaning! 


  1. this is going to be interesting to see what has flouride in it.. excited to start searching!

  2. Actually, virtually everything you eat and drink has fluoride in it and it won't be on the label. The USDA created a fluoride in foods database for some common foods.

    With 70% of US water supplies fluoridated, most foods made in fluoridated areas, including sodas, juices and baby foods have fluoride in them. Also fluoride containing pesticide residues remain on many foods. The EPA now allows sulfuryl fluoride to be used as a post harvest fumigant and allows both sulfuryl fluoride and fluoride residues to remain on many foods

    Fluoride is also a component of many drugs as well as dental products used by your dentists such as cements.

    Unfortunately, ingesting fluoride does not reduce tooth decay but does expose people unnecessarily to fluoride's adverse effects such as dental fluorosis - white spotted, yellow, brown and/or pitted teeth.

    for more info http://www.FluorideAction.Net

  3. I never even heard of high amounts of flouride being in our water, don't know where I've been! Looking forward to learning more!

  4. I found a lot of items that fluoride is in, that I had no idea it was. Very cool post! Nyscof?! New group member!
